A Cooperative Program of the Residents of Our Community, the Farmingdale Board of Education and the Farmingdale Village Board.


As the Farmingdale Youth Council (FYC) enters into its 75th year helping to provide the children enrolled in the Farmingdale School District with various sports and recreation programs, FYC and our Member Organizations continue to thank you, our Farmingdale families, with your always generous support to our kids, who always come first.

FYC is a non-profit program, funded by the Farmingdale taxpayers for the continued focus on the recreation and development of our children, in a safe and friendly environment.  As a longtime resident of Farmingdale whose children participated in the FYC programs, it is tremendous to see the programs flourishing with your support.

The FYC Winter and Summer Programs, along with the FYC Member Organizations provide various fully supervised recreational and cultural arts programs throughout the year. The FYC Member Organizations, listed in the brochure as well as the FYC website “Quick Links", provide various sports activities to enhance the growth and development of the Famingdale kids. Those organizations are developed and coached by volunteer members of the Farmingdale community. Children from Kindergarten through Senior year in high school are able to enjoy many of the  FYC activities. In fact, many “graduates" of the FYC programs “give back" and volunteer their time to some of the programs.

All Farmingdale residents are invited to attend the FYC monthly meetings, typically held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, at 7:30pm at Howitt Middle School. Please visit the FYC website at for more information and additional insight into the FYC.

On behalf of the Farmingdale children, FYC and Member Organizations, thank you for your continued support to the children of Farmingdale.

Tim Fierst, President